• Gottesdienst

    sonntags 10:30 Uhr


We want to be a place where you can come as you are and enjoy fellowship. Together we want to know Jesus better and experience him in our lives.

We want to experience faith, study the Bible, and have fun together while doing so by listening to music, playing games, or other fun activities.

If you are between 13-18 years old, you are more than welcome…


Women's meeting

We love to be women and enjoy being together – we want to encourage each other, be authentic ...

We are His - we belong to Jesus and together we want to focus on him, worship him ...

What do we do?

Women's breakfast, baby corner, workshops, worship, outdoor activities ...


Men's meeting

On several occasions throughout the year, we meet for various events, such as hiking tours, grill & chill nights, day trips, and theme nights.

Through shared experiences, fellowship, teaching, and worship we want to grow in faith, strengthen one another, and get to know one another better.

Upcoming Event:

18th June at 6pm - Fellowship with …


Serving Others

Serving Others

God's love moves us to reach out to people.

We want to serve the people in our city through different projects and street evangelism.

Due to the current regulations, we cannot plan anything that involves larger groups of people.

You want to share a project that is on your heart or would like to be part of an upcoming project? Feel free t…



God is at work in each of us. He wants to change us and make us free to live for him. We have his promise that his truth (his word - Jn. 8:31-32) will set us free and that he will finish the good work that he started in us (Phil. 1,6).

Sometimes it is good to have brothers and sisters in faith who walk with us, help us to break with lies and wrong c…


Iranian Ministry

The Iranian ministry is directed towards all Persian-speaking people. If you are looking for fellowship with others, and want to get to know or grow in the Christian faith, you are more than welcome to come to our services.

Usually, we meet twice a month on Saturdays at 4 p.m. in the Chapel living room (Norbert Street 1). During those meetings we wo…